We had an unusual Saturday morning this week. With many of the club at the Omnium, and some of the MTBers up North racing (with their coaches) we were forced to cancel the senior groups. Consequently the junior groups ended up with extra coaches as it turns out a significant number of the senior riderz came anyway.
And they were ACE. It was great to see some of the older kids helping out, providing advice, support, loud cheers and sympathy (following a bit of ‘falling in the mud’). They aren’t always able to verbalise their skills to the younger ones but they were delighted to try”
“This is such a good idea” one of Group 5 was heard to say “I’ll be able to chat to them all at races now as I know who they all are!”
Anyway you should enter Parklife and do it online as it makes Graeme much happier and stops him from running round wearing that hunted expression when 70 kidz turn up at 1845 on Thursday trying to give him money and expecting change.
Meanwhile the older racers have been a tad busy….