Just a quick post to welcome new members to the club and many old members back. We had a hugely successful induction day last Saturday with nearly 100 kids and Graeme has been busy all week sorting everyone into groups.
This year we have added everyone to the website mailing list as well as the British Cycling (BC) site. Whilst the BC site is used to advise members of upcoming events the website reports more on what has happened and contains more general information about the club and Youth Cycling in general. We try and do a quick summary post every week or so to keep track of the members’ adventures.
We are always keen to have more content for the site either stories or photos or ideally both. Most of the photos come from Facebook but you can send them to me directly if you’d rather or aren’t on FB. The more the better. 1050×350 format if you want to get onto the banner!
There’s some great stuff on the site from some of the kids themselves too, some of these blogs are well worth a read. http://www.glasgowriderz.co.uk/category/blog/racers-tales/
Finally if you notice a mistake please get in touch – you won’t be the first…
And we’re meeting in Bellahouston this Saturday (29th August) – NOT Nether Pollock due to parking issues.
Pete (admin@glasgowriderz.co.uk aka “intentionally blank” on FB)
Also on Twitter @glasgowriderz