The third year of the Riderz Awardz and Social Night was held on Friday 30th November at Maryhill Burgh Hall.
As Jonathon explained it’s been a fantastic year for the club with a growth in members and coaches not to mention some massive successes in racing and generally messing about on bikes.
As has become traditional we awarded prizes to each group’s “best improver”. This is a huge challenge to coaches and I know how much thought goes into selecting winners, often struggling to chose between essentially the whole group, such is the standard. Well done to everyone.
At last year’s event we announced the club would be awarding Racerz Hoodiez to all those who who entered at least 10 races in 2018. We didn’t anticipate the huge response to this with 30 Riderz qualifying for their exclusive hoodie – congratulations.
The hoodies are ace but I failed to acknowledge and thank the huge effort put into their design by our youngest coach, Ben McCaffery. We had left the design until the last minute and had little idea what they were going to look like, one of the other coaches mentioned that he’d seen some of Ben’s design work and he would be worth approaching. Thanks so much for putting the design together in time Ben, and sorry for not acknowledging it on the night!
The night’s quiz featured a craft round and I’ve included Malcolm’s tin foil Rollerz here, well because they were ace. Although they lost out in the popular vote to a working model of the Millport ferry (which seemingly no-one took a photo of).
There are always loads of people to thank (and I always forget someone ) but the night wouldn’t happen without the hard work of the Social Committee (Mareth and Michelle) to whom we are very grateful!
Until Next Year Folks!!