Always a highlight of the year – December sees the more hardy Riderz decamp (not literally – no-one should camp on the Hebrides in December) en masse to the final Cyclocross event of the year on Mull.

That’s right ladies and gentlemen it’s Cross at the Castle incorporating The Santa Cross World Championship!! (The Riderz website has been cautioned recently by the EU Internet Standards committee on our over use of the exclamation mark. I think that all our readers will agree that in this case the use of the double exclamation mark is entirely justified.)

There are few nicer places to have a bicycle race, indeed in the opinion of many here at the Riderz IT Bike Shed there are few nicer places in the world than the Isle of Mull so thanks to one of roving reporters we have an excellent selection of photos to share, including one of Coach Barnes who, it is rumoured, grew a beard specially for the Santa Cross Worlds.

Roll of Honour.


Paddy – 1st and 3rd in U12’s. Imani – 1st and 1st in U12’s (incl Santacross World Championships). Sophie – 3rd in U12’s. Anna Shackley – 1st and 1st in U14’s (incl Santacross World Championships). Georgia – 3rd and 3rd in U12’s. Calum Shackley – 2nd and 2nd in U16’s. Innes – 3rd in U16’s. Great rides by Joe Barnes, Sorley Johnston (despite being unwell) and Beth Wilson. Obviously there were 2 races – —–. Oh and Coach Jason rode well in both races on his single speed (single speed santa in the photos).


Full results here.

Well done to everyone, thanks to the organisers, the coaches and the parents for making the long journey up there…

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