Well last Saturday was the last session for 2015 – over 60 riders entered our final fun day and a heartfelt well done to all. Apparently it was too cold for many photos though so we only have this one*.
(*Every year, pete every year. Ed)
This year we ran the sessions as late as we dared, all great until the last couple of weeks when we got everyone absolutely soaked. I was amazed any of the kids came back to be honest. But come back they did, with cleaned (if slightly rusty – sorry parents) bikes and freshly laundered kit ready to do it all again. So thanks to everyone involved in running the Saturday sessions, for coaching, for helping, admin and everything we’ve forgotten.
Finally thanks to the kids for coming – it has been a pleasure to coach them and been great to witness the improvement in confidence and skill over the last 9 months.
The Club will start back on Saturdays after the worst of the Winter Weather, keep an eye out for a start date.
We have been unable to hold our AGM in 2015 as planned but hope to run it in January. The Club has run the last number of years with a committee mainly of the coaches, although this has allowed the Club to function, it does produce a conflict of interest and it would be great if we could attract some non-coaches onto the Committee.
We will be looking to fill the positions of Chairperson and 2 welfare officers as well as a few general positions.
Any parents looking to help the club either with admin or on Saturdays or make the step up to a coach please get in contact and we can discuss what is involved.
At last year’s AGM we agreed that the 2016 Membership would remain at £15 a child (not quite sure what the gift will be this year).
2016 membership is now available, it would be a massive help to the Club if membership was renewed by the end of December, this allows us to plan the groups and manage the expectation of our ever growing waiting list. The Saturday sessions don’t need to be paid for until we start back.
Alternatively if your child isn’t coming back to the club please let us know
The Rollers sessions will continue over the winter as will a few other Club coaching activates for the older riders.
Meanwhile here’s some more Stolen from Facebook pictures… Scroll to the bottom for the Club’s latest award.