Southport Dolan Youth Series.
This report courtesy of Billy Bilsland Cycles who not only support the club but also Ellie Park – one of the club’s rising stars…
Clocks go forward, summertime? This pic of one of our supported riders, Ellie Park on her Cervelo S5 in the sunshine! And in YELLOW! Certainly makes us think …it’s summer!
Congratulations Ellie, unbeaten at the Dolan YouSeries- 4 out of 4 in the series, but bike and rider are 10 out of 10 in our eyes!
Stirling Duatholon
This report from one of our roving reporters…
Seriously awesome performance by Hamish A to win today’s Stirling Duathlon. Very Impressive. Imani took a 2nd place, with Fraser, Sophie, Kasha and Una all looking very strong (especially on the bike). No podium pics as we had to beat feet to WoSCA Velodrome Session, and missed what was going to be the Battle of the Titans, Gordon Watson v Michelle Morrice…
Full results here
Wosca A77 Road Race
This report also from one of our roving reporters. Don’t forget we are currently looking for more reporters to join our team! Click here to submit any article that relates to Glasgow Riderz to our editorial team.
An excellent third overall and first junior for Rhys Donnelly along with quite a few big attacks from him today at the A77 WoSCA road race. It was a headwind out and a tail wind back in what can only be described as gale force winds. Apparently they were topping 40-45mph in the tail wind.