Wosca.(from our correspondent)

Well Done Jonathon Hillbourne, did the WOSCA Yellow Jersey proud all series, and an incredible effort in the final race. Well done to Sean Begen Dupree for keeping the pressure on all series and taking the win in the end. Decided on the last lap of the last race! Exciting stuff- well done both of you.





Team Scotland

Good luck from everyone here at the Riderz IT bikeshed to Lewis and Ellie as they compete for Team Scotland in the Sainsbury School Games at Manchester Velodrome. You can even watch them live here.


Britain’s Best Bike Shop?

Once again the amazing Mr Neil Bilsland continues with his tireless support of grass roots cycling (athletes who are representing their country are not “grass roots” Ed.) by supplying two of our athletes with some top quality gear for their upcoming races.



Scarborough (from our correspondent)

Well done to the A boys at Scarborough yesterday. Great to see so many of them racing in the British Road Series. Ewan, Alex, Calum and Andrew I hope you all enjoyed the very different course. Parts looked fun, parts looked brutal!  Great to see you riding along with the British Series veterans of Ellie, Hamish and Johnathon. A great showing from all the Riderz.

BC Article.





Still Game Live.

Rumours are denied that Jack and Victor were seen at Meadowbank doing some rehearsing for the upcoming “Still Game Live” tour.


MTB Skillz*

Last but not least there was a fantastic turnout in the SUN for our own MTB skillz event. Full report to follow…


(*can you see what I did there)








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