There was, it seems a little too much news for just one blog post so I split it across TWO!!! Now my harsher critics may suggest that this is because I hit “publish” by mistake or that I haven’t been following the FB posts quite as much as I should and lost track.
Anyway on with the news…
Billy Bilsland’s
OK So this is a rare thing but a wee nudge for our sponsor… They were a huge help to our club this year providing support to our athletes including Lewis Stewart and Ellie Park who went onto join the OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT APPRENTICE PROGRAM. (Good effort shoehorning that reference into 2 posts. Ed)
There’s a review of the new Frog here which they stock and it’s available in Team Sky colours. There’s even a rumour that Bilsland’s do discount for Riderz members if you show them your card…
Strathclyde CX
I’m fairly sure these are from Strathclyde, most of them cropped up in the FB group… Great photos too…
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