After a brave start to the year I did somewhat drift away from the weekly update idea but, having missed a couple of weeks I think it was due another try…

British Cycling Olympic Performance Pathway

(From British Cycling)

The Great Britain Cycling Team’s goal is to win world and Olympic medals across all disciplines. This will be achieved by identifying, confirming and developing riders through six stages, the third stage of which is the Olympic Development Apprentices (ODA).

This programme is aimed to support young riders typically aged 14-15 years with the transition into the junior ranks by further developing their skills both on and off the bike.

We here at the Glasgow Riderz IT Bike Shed are delighted to announce that Ellie Park and Lewis Stewart have been selected as Olympic Development Apprentices. Congratulations to them both!


Ayr CX

Fantastic effort by Alexander MacRae and some pictures of fantastic efforts below…

It doesn't get easier

It doesn’t get easier

OK he's making it look easier

OK he’s making it look easier

Coach Elizabeth denies she let group 2 out of her sight

Coach Elizabeth denies she let group 2 out of her sight

Dads and Daughters Day Out

There is a new BMX track at Cumbernauld, some of the Riderz and some of the coaches thought they’d try it out (some of them look a bit big for those bikes if you ask me).






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